KeyTalk CKMS, for internal S/MIME use

CONET has its own unmistakable identity, which we have laid down in our corporate constitution. It defines our guiding principles, our mission , our vision and lays down common rules for working together at CONET – our culture .

This culture defines the “rules” of cooperation and formulates our standards of cooperation in our teams and with our customers. It emphasizes the personal responsibility of the individual, ensures that our employees can optimally use their potential in their daily work and is reflected, among other things, in a good working atmosphere and high customer satisfaction.

In constant comparison with the requirements of the market, our strategy grows from the foundations of the corporate constitution, from which short and medium-term operational goals are derived, and also our understanding of CONET as a high-performance, reliable and attractive employer – our employer branding. We see all this as our common task and the basis of our cooperation – our CONET LIFE , in which people work for and with people!

Visit the CONET website.