A good start for KeyTalk in 2020

A good start for KeyTalk in 2020
31 Jan ‘20

2020, a good start for KeyTalk

The year 2019 was already very good for KeyTalk with new customers like Deutsche Bahn, RWE and Liverpool Victoria. The New Year 2020 has started of even better, when last week also the Dutch RDW and the international trade company Trafigura chose to buy the KeyTalk CKMS platform.

About the RDW

The Dutch RDW is a governmental organisation that takes care of all motorized vehicle registration and issues all drivers licenses.

To be able to carry out its duties properly and to guarantee the safe issuance of registration documents and driving licenses, the RDW makes use of PKI certificates and other cryptographic key material.

Because the RDW manages several hundreds of very sensitive certificates and corresponding keys, they decided it was time to look for a certificate and key management system.

Primary goal for that system would be a real-time insight in the actual status of all certificates and associated key (s). KeyTalk’s specialized partner Avensus overheard the special needs from the RDW and advised them KeyTalk. After some preliminary discussions and presentations the RDW concluded that the KeyTalk CKMS is a solid solution for their needs and demands in the area of PKI management.

Due to the flexibility of KeyTalk and the possibility of quickly realizing specific functionalities for a customer, it is expected that the KeyTalk CKMS can be deployed operationally for the RDW in the course of Q1 this year.

Logo Trafigura

About Trafigura

Trafigura is a global trading company specializing in oil, minerals and metals.

Visit the Trafigura website

Trafigura has 66 offices in 38 countries and head offices in Amsterdam, London and Lucerne.

Due to the increasing threat of BEC (Business Email Compromise), where cyber criminals pose as a senior manager of the organization to have large amounts of money transferred fraudulently, Trafigura has decided to provide all of its approximately 4,500 employees with a digital signature for their email.

These digital certificates issued by KeyTalk’s partner GlobalSign must be automatically requested, installed and configured for MS Outlook. An additional challenge for GlobalSign was Trafigura’s need for a specific disclaimer under each email from an employee, matching the correct Trafigura subsidiary out of more than 60 different ones. GlobalSign, which has been providing all digital certificates for Trafigura for years, called in KeyTalk to jointly come up with the solution.

In the end, the KeyTalk option for short customized development sprints delivered the solution for Trafigura, so it is expected that all Trafigura employees will be able to digitally sign their email around mid-March with a personal GlobalSign certificate.


Product development

Our software development teams have been very productive and realized a number of important new functionalities in the latest KeyTalk product releases. The new features include:

  • Support for Thales / Safenet LUNA HSM, both the physical version and the Cloud (Data Protection on Demand) based HSM as a Service version.
  • Support for Azure AD as a source of authentication.
  • REST API support for integration with 3rd party management systems such as ServiceNow.
  • The new KeyTalk framework API specification, with this framework Certificate Service Providers (CSP’s) can easily integrate their issuing platform with the KeyTalk CKMS platform.
  • KeyTalk private CA, revocation support.
  • LDAP S / MIME address book improvements for monitoring, troubleshooting and Outlook integration.
  • Certificate network scanning clientless on ports, but also with a client for scanning (local) of all available certificate stores.


KeyTalk News

Keep following these monthly news blogs to stay up to date on all developments regarding the KeyTalk CKMS, the KeyTalk Smart Security Scan, the KeyTalk Secure LDAP S / MIME Service and the KeyTalk Secure Email Service that is delivered in collaboration with partners such as GlobalSign and Digicert QuoVadis.